Monday, 16 January 2012

New Update

Its been 10 days since I last posted - Oh how ashamed must I be to redeem myself and my absence now. The truth is, I'm not ashamed, I'm proud, I'm happy. It's been a productive past 10 days and that for me, more than makes up for my absence.

So here's the update as everything now stands. In my last post I mentioned all the current idea's and titles that I had on the mind for my future projects and even now nothing has changed. Although, I have spent some time and made sure to have the openings done for some of these idea's. I have also made sure to put to paper the idea behind one of the titles.

As everything stands right now. Timber Varden - Completed first draft remains untouched and is being left to stew for a while longer before the first process of arduous editing begins.
And the update for Awakening now stands as follows. After 10 days of focus upon it, Awakening as returned to 10 days ago, began at just over 37,000 words and now stands at 50,392. Has this of been NaNo, the 13,000 words written would already be behind on the daily targets and should be standing at 16,667 for 10 days. Which means as today's the 11th day it should be closer to 18,333 in additional contents. But it is not NaNo, and thus hence, I can take my time and allow it to simmer as it grows in the think pot awaiting for me to pluck it out piece by tedious piece.

The following, as you will see is the progress that has been made on those idea's.

The Keeper Of The Light : Status - unchanged.

The Dream Weaver : Status - Basic Idea set and is as follows
The Dream Weaver is about someone who has the power to create and manipulate dreams, who can enter the dreams of other people and twist them round for his own desires, or change them to better ones, people come to him to ask him to weave for them a specific dream to bring them comfort, or one that recreates a vivid memory of the past. (Basic plot - needs defining and strengthening.)

Morgan's Wake (working title) :Status - Opening line now in place.
They say that on Halloween, The Festival Of The Dead, the veil between this world and the next is thinner. I never believed in any of that nonsense, but now, well now it's different. Now I know for certain that it is true, because now, I can't get them to go away, or be quiet. It doesn't matter where I am, or what I do, they follow me like shadows in the light. Even loud music doesn't stop the chatter and if you haven't guessed already, I'm talking about the spirits of the dead... Hello, I'm Morgan, welcome to my life.. (Last part might be omitted.)

Sati: A Timber Varden Novella : Status - Opening line now in place.
In the deepest recesses of Timber Varden, glimmers of a wolf can be found. A wolf not like any other, and not to be mistaken as one of the Varden pack. They call him Sati, we call him Sati the wise.

A Christmas short that I want to adapt and make longer, either novella or novel length. :Status - No change until after the votes process on another forum.

One where Tobias is the main character - Untitled : Status - Opening is now in place.
"There comes a time when a boy must grow to be a man. When that time is however, not even I can be certain. But rest assured Tobias, for when the time is right, you will know when it must be done." He stated. "But don't let your mind run away with you, for now you are still but a boy, and one who should learn to follow the rules."
Tobias crossed his arms and scowled back at his head teacher. He didn't take kindly to being told who or what he was, even if they were wrong. To them he was but a boy, but not a child. They didn't know the real Tobias, and it seemed increasingly likely that they never would. Which is what Tobias wanted deep down, to live his life in peace and keep his secret safe from the outside world.

Then you have the NaNo novel for this coming year - as yet undecided

Friday, 6 January 2012

Writing Update

I thought I'd better post an update on how my NaNo Novel Timber Varden is doing. I couldn't be any happier with it, I want to shout from the roof tops with how I feel about it right now. As of January the 4th, almost towards the 5th. Timber Varden went from being a work in progress, to being a completed first draft, and so begin the time of edits you say?

Well no, I'm not going to rush into the edits as of yet, and the reason being is that I want to finish my current and at the same time, overdue work in progress - Awakening before I return to Timber Varden with the edits. Not only that but I find myself in a situation where I have a further 7 idea's waiting to be written, of which I want to get the basics down, the plot, the outline, the characters so that when it comes to writing it, I would know exactly where I left it. I don't want to start them just yet but just getting the basics down for each of them would prove beneficial in the long run.

At the same time as all of this is going on, I'm also looking to set out and plan my next NaNo novel for November. I truly must be mad!!!!. However the more I look at it, the more I could turn one of my other idea's into my next NaNo as they aren't being written, but rather they are being thought about and plotted. At least this time I can go into November with a firm idea at the forefront of my mind and not an idea conjured up in 3 weeks at such short notice.

The list of potential idea's and or story titbits are increasing. Currently I have the following:
(These are ideas, not finished articles.)

Keeper Of The Light - A sequel to Awakening
The Dream Weaver
Morgan's Wake (working title) - opening line written (possible)
Sati's Story: A Timber Varden Novella
A Christmas short that I want to adapt and make longer, either novella or novel length.
One where Tobias is the main character - partial start in mind.
Then you have the NaNo novel for this coming year - as yet undecided

Awakening - An on going project
Timber Varden - On going project with a complete first draft to work from.

Seeing as I've competed my first ever NaNo Novel's first draft, I have resumed work on Awakening which I've not added anything to for almost 5 months. I will admit it is not easy getting back into writing that book. But Alice, the main character, is starting to come about once more and the words are starting to flow freely again. Since resuming it I've written almost 2000 words, and that's since yesterday, that's not bad considering how long it's been since I've worked on it.

Now if only I can continue this pace or increase it!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Starts

Welcome to the turning of a brand new year. A year for so much promise and speculation, a year with the power to drive us forward even more. The old is now behind us as the new has just begun.

11 Months to go before the start of NaNoWriMo, which means a full 11 months of plotting and planning. For characters to build and grow, for their world to expand in the writers mind. Not only that it means 10 full months of writing and finishing what has already been started. 10 months that I am looking forward to but in saying that, I also know that it will be difficult to commit to the time needed to get each project completed but I will manage none the less. As will each and everyone of you who dream to undertake such adventures and for that I wish you this following year to be the best one yet.